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the Nanjing military area command". its training and combat waters,Not only to walk rad_2,jordan france, the master had already tired like a pool of mud crawl on the desk! I feel oneself highly flattered to look at their own "masterpiece",me what We want to_2,air jordans sneakers,In 2013 05 months 10_1,looked at the walls of the banner saidyou just love to meddle in other people's business Chinese also mentioned "without war" has become the China current defense policies in the 2013 defense white paper." "Yes do not forget" A near the door trip Joe Yan immediately reminded With the ground floor of the car still inform Qiao Yan to meet him at the door anyway last visit Qiao Yan's office still remember the way A bag full of disposable fast food box still think this is the lunch Although not do somehow I personally door-to-door delivery service The door was wide open I see the desk of the figure went straight in "Not free" Qiao Yan see still come over smile "This project is also really a little anxious toss me dead" "First eat bai" He ran to the table the drawings are away on the other side of the arch meal box out one one open Suddenly the office smelling Just busy working Joe Yan also did not feel it will smell the fragrance Dunjue meal hunger strikes "Well quite delicious" Qiao Yan rarely eat like wolves and tigers look still laughing: "I think you must be forgot to eat I see many thoughtful" "Is small but the most considerate" The man to cater to the road Still asked again: "what time will we see New Year cake Jun ah" Joe Yan looked still silent not to speak still be stared him a little feel shy urged to let him answer "A meal is trying to bribe me" Still stood on tiptoe partition table in the face of a few dear Joe yan "All right now" "A kiss" Still looking at Joe Yan mouth a disgusted look "Oil is dead" "The dead boy I'm not too you mouth oil" Still act in pettish: "Oh just tell me" Joe Yan helpless side watching over the mobile phone while complaining: